Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free, Low-Carb Banana Bread

grain, sugar, and nut free banana bread

Banana bread was one of my favorite childhood comfort foods – I’d always be excited to see enough brown bananas amass in the fruit bowl for my mom to agree to bake a loaf.

These days I still love banana bread just as much – but now I use my own gut-friendly recipe.

This banana bread recipe is:

  • Grain-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Nut-free
  • Sugar-free
  • And high in protein!

Rather than being an empty calorie source like most banana bread is, this bread is full of nutrients and is filling. It’s just sweet enough (with no added sugar), dense, moist and banana-y.

I especially like this recipe because it doesn’t rely on nut flours, which can cause issues for some people who are still healing their gut. Instead, it uses a small amount of coconut flour to lend structure to the bread.

Unlike nut flours, coconut flour is highly absorbent – a little goes a long way! If your bread batter is too thick (more like cookie batter) you can thin it with a little coconut milk or oil, or just add a touch of water.

Here’s how I make it:



Preheat oven to 350°F.

In medium bowl, mash bananas with a fork. Add eggs and whisk to combine. Once eggs are combined, thoroughly mix in salt, baking soda, vanilla extract, and cinnamon (I use a lot of cinnamon – add as much as you like!)

Add 3/4 cup coconut flour, stir to combine with a spoon or spatula. If needed, thin batter slightly with coconut oil or milk, or a touch of water. Batter should be very thick, but pourable.

Bake in pre-heated oven in a lined or greased 8″x8″ pan for 40 minutes, or until done.

Optional Add-Ins:

  • An extra banana sliced and set on top of the batter before baking
  • Extra spices like nutmeg or allspice
  • A teaspoon of all-natural almond extract
  • Nuts or dried fruit like raisin, cranberries, or dried coconut (if you tolerate them!)

I hope you enjoy this gut-friendly banana bread as much as my family and I do 🙂

In good health,


P.S. – Did you make any modifications to this recipe? Leave a comment and tell us how you made it!

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