The Anatomy of a Cheat – and The 4 Simple Steps to Recover

I hope you’re enjoying this new series of videos on healing your gut…

Here’s what we’ve done for you now – we dug up video on one of the most popular but rarely talked about topics from our advanced course… “The Confessions of a Cheater”


I know I’m not supposed to talk about it.  But here’s the thing – it happens to the best of us.

For example, I was always too afraid to cheat with something “illegal”… but I still found myself falling prey to the same behaviors by overeating “legal foods”.

Like I’d have a bad day and before I knew it, half-a-bottle of honey would be gone… or a whole quart of blueberries disappeared…

And I’d always pay dearly for it.

It was cheating just the same because I was completely disregarding “moderation.”

And whenever I cheated I swear an alter ego took over my body…

So if you’ve ever been at a family party or standing in front of the fridge late at night and found it impossible NOT to give in to those POWERFUL FORCES… you’ll probably like this video.

We’re going to walk you through “The Anatomy of a Cheat” so you can understand what’s REALLY GOING ON.

And we’ll also show you the 4 simple steps to recover from a cheat so you can get back to healing and stop hating yourself.

We didn’t invent this process.  But we did study DEEP psychology for months and months trying to figure it all out.

Anyway – shortly after we got sick of reading books, we started testing these ideas out… and started taking control of our behavior.

And it turns out this psychology stuff just plain WORKS!

So we wanted to pass this along to you right now and hopefully get you more aware of what’s going on the next time you snap out of a trance with a piece of chocolate hanging out of your mouth 🙂

We hope you enjoy it.

Enjoy 🙂

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