My Favorite SCD Legal Pancakes (Almond Flour)

Best Almond Flour Pancakes Ever!!!

I’ve been experimenting with pancake recipes for months now and I think I’ve finally found a recipe that delivers pancakes that taste better than wheat flour (I swear it’s not the Irish coffee). With so many recipes I tried, I would end up covering them in honey or feeding them to unsuspecting taste testers because they were too dry, clumpy, or just generally awful (blame my cooking skills on a couple occasions). But, thankfully I’ve figured it out!

Ingredients Needed for Almond Flour Pancake Goodness:

  • 1 Cup Almond Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup Carbonated Water (sparkling water)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Salt
  • 2 Tablespoons of Honey
All ingredients have been carefully chosen, if you deviate and they taste bad don’t blame me!


Mix everything up in a bowl really well (like 5 minutes longer than you think you should) we don’t want any clumping and we want to make sure the oil, salt and honey are evenly dispersed. Heat up some coconut oil on a griddle or if you’re underprivileged use a pan like I do heated to medium heat.

Really make sure that everything is mixed good, it is soo important!

A little tip I’ve learned is if your coconut oil is solid like mine in the picture, put the 2 tablespoons into a shot glass and microwave until liquid.

Yes that is double shot glass, in case you were wondering

I use a ¼ measuring cup to spoon out the batter as I’ve found it gives me about the maximum size for flipping these suckers, which I will admit is mostly luck, some skill and a whole bunch of patience. The recipe makes about 6 – 4 inch pancakes depending on how frisky you get with the measuring cup.

Some bubble more than others, but look for the browning around the edges

Knowing when to flip is a bit harder as they don’t really bubble like wheat pancakes so just check for browning and then go for it. I use a fish spatula because it’s thinner than most and I can sort of scoop under, pull towards me and then flip. It’s less of a flip and more of slow turn over (not to the side over the top). The best part is if you splatter batter everywhere just scrape it back onto the sides of the pancake and most people will never know.

Almost done! Remember if you have a “blow out” just scrape the batter back to the side of the pancake and no one will know

These pancakes taste so good to me that I eat them smothered in butter, no extra honey and I couldn’t care less about not having any maple syrup. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

In the future, now that I’m happy with the base recipe, I’m going to start adding more fun stuff like blueberries, apples, raisins and cinnamon.

Add Butter and Enjoy!



P.S. – For extra credit, double the recipe up and then freeze half of it. They make the perfect SCD legal lazy or in-a-pinch food! They reheat in like 2 minutes in the microwave and still taste awesome. I’m not sure if or when they go bad as mine never make it more than a couple weeks.

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