FREE WEBINAR MONDAY: How to Heal a Leaky Gut

Pic of bucket with holes (water leaking out)

Recently Steve and I were at a super secret health mastermind in Florida when I learned something you may not know about our friend Leanne Ely from

She can get DOWN on the dance floor! (Seriously, AH-MAZING!)

But in all seriousness, she’s becoming a great friend.  So when she asked us to come do a FREE webinar together about healing leaky gut we jumped at the chance.

It’s going to be this Monday night (3/3) at 5pm PST/8pm EST.

Why did she ask about leaky gut specifically?

Because if you had a leaky gut, wouldn’t you want to know?

I’m here to tell you, if you’re tired, sick, overweight or depressed, you’re certainly not alone.

When I started researching leaky gut last year, I was absolutely SHOCKED by some of the data I found…

65% of Americans are overweight.

The second most common complaint from patients to their doctors is fatigue.

The leading cause of disability in America is depression.

64 million Americans suffer from digestive problems. 64 MILLION!

Autoimmune disorders are affecting as many as 23.5 million (75% of which are women) Americans while causing disability and even death.

And IBS is the second leading cause of missed work days, behind only the common cold.

But what shocked me the most wasn’t these statistics…

What shocked me was the utter LACK of information about these conditions and how they’re related to the gut.

Because if you suffer from one or more of those conditions, while they might not seem connected to your gut, they are.

The research is getting clearer about that everyday.

As Hippocrates said a long time ago, “all disease begins in the gut.”

And he later followed that up with: “Bad digestion is the root of all evil.”

(Smart guy).

That’s why we’re doing this webinar about leaky gut.  To begin to unravel all of the problems a leaky gut can cause and how to begin to heal.

Join us Monday at 8PM EST for the How to Heal a Leaky Gut Webinar

We’re going to cover:

  • The “Big 5 Health Epidemic” and how it all comes back to your gut
  • How to tell if you have a leaky gut AND what you can do about it
  • The role leaky gut plays in the entire body
  • Our step-by-step approach to reversing leaky gut
  • 3 common leaky gut triggers and how to remove them

Look forward to seeing you there.

Leanne let us know seats will be limited, so please register sooner than later.

– Jordan

PS: When you register for this webinar, we’re going to send you a free handout that you’ll need to bring to the webinar on Monday.  It’s our 30 Day Leaky Gut Rebuild Diet.

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