Finally… A Trusted Place to Find Skilled Functional Practitioners

The first time I fired my Doctor, it felt so weird.

After all they work FOR us. So why did it feel so wrong?

In everything but my health, if someone doesn’t do a good job, I have no problem firing them…

Like if I hired someone to mow the lawn and they killed my grass… FIRED.

Or if I hired someone to change my oil and the engine blew up… FIRED.

Or if I hired someone to do my taxes and I ended up in trouble with the IRS… FIRED.

But firing a Doctor is something I never thought I had to do. Until they just shrugged their shoulders and wrote another prescription that didn’t work.

The 2nd and 3rd time I fired a Doctor, things went a little easier, but it sure was depressing. I honestly didn’t think there was anyone out there who could figure out was wrong with me.

Finding a Skilled Practitioner Was One of the Hardest Things I’ve Ever Done in My Life

Not only was I sick, but working with terrible practitioners literally stole every ounce of my hope.

After years of this, I FINALLY found a truly Skilled Functional Practitioner that put a lot of the pieces together for me and did some amazing work on my body. For the first time, I had hope I could get healthy…

That’s why Steve and I created SCD Lifestyle 5 years ago; to give you hope…

The hope we didn’t have when we were sick…  

The hope that you can get better and that others like you are getting better… the community to know you’re not alone.

You may have heard of our Time Machine Rule: At SCD Lifestyle, everything we do starts with our core question: “If we could go back in time and help ourselves 7 years ago, what would we do? What did we need? How could we get better faster?”

It’s from that place that we wrote our book and created our meal plans. It’s also why we even studied Functional Medicine ourselves, so we could learn even more about how to help you get better.

On hand one, we feel like we’ve succeeded in following our time machine rule in some ways…

For example, the eBook and meal plans are exactly what I dreamed existed 7 years ago and they’ve helped tens of thousands of people around the world.

On the other hand, it drives me insane to always be recommending people to “find a skilled practitioner.” In just about every podcast, article, or live event, we recommend people “find a skilled practitioner” and to order a #401H Stool Test from BioHealth or other really critical Functional Medicine tools…

It’s like someone who gives financial advice saying, “good luck, I recommend you dig holes in your backyard until you find a rare gemstone that makes you rich!”

So again, we’re asking the core question: “If we could go back in time and help ourselves 7 years ago, what would we do?”

For a while we attempted to answer that question by helping people 1-on-1 in our health consulting practice and that was such a rewarding experience, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what I would have wanted 7 years ago.

Officially, As You Read This Our Health Consulting Practice is Now Closed Forever

Why did we do this? What’s going on?

While we’re beyond grateful we did it, it’s now time to move on. We can’t work one-on-one and change the millions of lives we want to. There’s just not enough time.

And to be honest the health consulting program was unacceptable for us.

The world needs Skilled Functional Practitioners who:

  • Understand digestive issues
  • Know functional medicine
  • Can troubleshoot diet and supplements
  • Keep researching
  • Keep innovating
  • And who keep guiding those of us who are struggling with chronic illness.

What I really wanted 7 years ago was for someone I trusted to say, “Hey, I know how hard and frustrating it can be to find someone that can help, so I’ve gone out and done that for you. Here’s a Skilled Functional Practitioners you can book an appointment with right now that I trust.”

And that’s exactly what Steve and I have built for you today…

Announcing: A Trusted Place to Find Skilled Functional Practitioners

This new resource is called our “Recommended Practitioners Page.”

Here’s what we know after helping people over the last 7 years:

Skilled Functional Practitioners seem impossible to find.

And when you do find them word spreads fast, and they get so booked up that their waiting list is months out. These types of people are just flat out RARE!

I’m talking about people who are skilled in Functional Medicine with years of experience… but also have overcome chronic illness themselves. Even better… people who have trained with Dr. Kalish, the functional medicine institute and will never stop learning the latest and greatest ways to help people.

So we’ve gone out and built relationships with those people for you.

These are practitioners who have been sick and know what it’s like. They also appreciate our approach to diet and as well as trained with our friend Dr. Kalish, who’s one of the best Functional Medicine Practitioners we know… and his protocols have been working for over 8,000 patients in the last 20 years.

These are practitioners who can help you get the testing and protocols you need, but also support you in the diet, supplement, and lifestyle changes that your body is asking you for.

The first two trusted resources are ready to work with you right now…


Julie Sands Donaldson, CMTA

Julie Donaldson has over 36 years of experience in the healing arts, dedicated to the discovery of the whole person in the healing journey, and helping clients through a unique blend of functional medicine and nutrition. She originally entered the holistic health field after losing 3 people close to her through sudden death and having to overcome her own struggles with depression, poor sleep, digestive problems, and low energy.

Her approach focuses on addressing biochemistry naturally and allowing the whole mind/body to heal organically and completely. Deemed a “curious investigator,” she brings the compassion of a person who has been significantly ill to the table in the most meaningful way. Julie is passionate about working with children on the spectrum and their families, cases of chronic latent viral activity such as Epstein-Barr, CMV, and Herpes Family Viruses, methylation imbalances and those with the related digestive and emotional symptoms that accompany those conditions.

Dr. Steve Hyjek, DC

Dr. Steve is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, and Director of The Functional Medicine Center, a clinic where he and his team utilize cutting edge solutions to provide real results. As a pioneer in the field of modern healthcare, Dr. Steve is actively sought out by clients who crave custom care and full recovery. He’s been trained by the best, including Dr. Dan Kalish, The Institute for Functional Medicine, Dr. Datis Kharrazian, and many others.

Dr. Steve’s obsessive drive to create a systems approach to healthcare by identifying and correcting the root causes is something we love about him. Over the years, he’s honed a unique skill in helping his patients regain total body wellness. He’s narrowed his focus to women struggling with autoimmune disease, especially Hashimoto’s disease. If you’re exhausted and have increasing symptoms like digestive problems, brain fog, weight gain, and chronic pain, Dr. Steve’s ready to bring his life’s work to your case.

Marcus Ettinger, DC

Marcus is a southern California Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with 29 years of experience. Since struggling with chronic migraine headaches as a child, he’s been obsessed with natural and Functional Medicine solutions like diet, exercise, supplements, sleep, gratitude, and positive thinking that serve to handle the underlying problem rather than just treat symptoms.

Marcus is passionate about gut health, serving those “tough cases” with unresolved GI issues, even after seeing multiple doctors and having completed multiple protocols. Especially those that suspect chronic infections like H. pylori, klebsiella, pseudomonas and biofilm are contributing to their conditions. If you’re struggling with Abdominal Pain, Gastritis, Diarrhea, Bloating, or Chronic Gut Infections, Dr. Ettinger is ready to coach you on your healing journey.

Brie Wieselman, L.Ac

Brie is a Functional Medicine practitioner and acupuncturist, who’s been studying and practicing Functional Medicine for 15 years. She’s trained with some of the best including training with Dr. Dan Kalish, Dr Datis Kharrazian, The Institute for Functional Medicine, and many others.

Brie’s own struggles with PCOS, multiple digestive parasites, Candida Overgrowth, and Hypothyroidism have driven her to seek the root causes of chronic illness. Over the years, she’s honed a unique skill of solving tough chronic illness puzzles in her clinic. If you want help with digestive problems like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation, or you’re struggling with female hormone challenges (like PMS, painful or missing periods, PCOS, Fibroids or endometriosis), Brie’s excited to start unraveling your case.


What to do Next:

1) If you’re currently a private client, please be patient as the consulting practice continues to change over the next few weeks… check your email for the latest updates from us.

2) If you’d like to start working with a trusted, skilled functional practitioner right now, Brie and Stephanie are waiting and excited to help you get at the root cause of your issues… but please hurry, this announcement is now public and I’m not sure how long their appointments will last.

–> Click here to book an appointment with one of these trusted practitioners

Please know that you are the fuel that keeps us going. You are the inspiration. Hearing your stories of transformation and empowerment is what fills us up. Thank you for being a part of this awesome community.

In good health,

– Jordan and Steve

NOTE: Choosing a health-care professional is a personal decision. Our introduction of these practitioners should not be construed as an express or implied endorsement of them and you should approach your selection of a practitioner with care. We, of course, are not and cannot be responsible for your experience with these independent practitioners, their advice, treatment or approach.

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