Interview with a Specific Carbohydrate Diet Veteran: Carol Frilegh

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing our friend, Carol Frilegh, a 10-year veteran of the SCD diet who had the distinct honor of becoming friends with Elaine while she was still with us. You may have seen some of Carol’s incredible articles on where she is a featured writer spreading the word about SCD. If you haven’t already, check out her portfolio here.

This interview podcast is packed with Carol’s incredible insights from her own journey on the diet as well as the many people that she helped along the way. Take the time to soak up her incredible wealth of knowledge if you are thinking about starting the diet or even if you have already been on the diet for years. All of us can learn something new from her words.

To play the file, simply hit the play button at the bottom of the post and give it a moment to load up.

Here Are Some of the Highlights:

3:20 Carol’s insights on what Elaine thought about her allergies

5:40 After 10 years on SCD, Carol finally traveled again!

6:45 “I can now eat everything!”

7:50 “SCD was one of the most significant things that ever happened to my life.”

8:50 What’s the most important thing? “You have to believe in this.”

9:22 “Believe in Elaine. Strictly adhere to the diet when you’re starting, don’t fool around.”

9:50 “SCD isn’t about what you can’t have, it really isn’t, there is so much that you can have and so little that you have to give up.”

12:02 “I didn’t see SCD as a challenge.”

12:42 “Every morning when I wake up and I am going to follow SCD and I think that about what it’s done for me and what it’s done for other people I feel like I have been handed the keys to a brand new life.”

14:30 “Don’t feel like you have to do a whole bunch of complicated things to be on this diet. All the food a person needs is meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy if you can use it, and healthy oils.”

15:22 “Don’t obsess over treats and foods… with the basic foods you can create any combination.”

17:28 “Let the diet work first.”

20:25 The best way to figure out what’s stopping you from getting the results you want on the diet

22:48 “I look at foods allowed on the SCD Diet as an artist with tubes and tubes of different colors and they mix them up on a pallet.”

25:55 “There’s only one SCD.”

26:30 “Give SCD one month of your time.”

27:16 Why people came back to the SCD Diet and did better the 2nd time around


Thanks for your time and experience Carol!  What are your thoughts?  Post your comments below…


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