About Jordan Reasoner

Jordan Reasoner – Who is this guy?


Who am I?

I used to be sick as hell… I’ll never forget writing my will late one night in 2008.  I didn’t think I’d live into my 20’s. Now, my life is completely different… I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been and my passion is helping people just like me naturally heal digestive disease and live a long, healthy life!

A few years ago, I thought I’d never be able to leave the house and now I’m bound and determined to do 100% the opposite of that… and do it feeling amazing.

Here’s a ridiculously long video detailing my story (filmed back in 2010 when I was still super skinny and recovering)…

That video was filmed 5 years ago… now I look like this (60 pounds heavier and better looking glasses).

I call these pictures “I AM NOT CELIAC DISEASE”:

Photo Oct 12, 11 22 21 PM

Here’s some more pics having fun:


Steve and I on Sacagawea Peak (elevation 9,665 feet) – Bozeman Montana, Summer 2013


Archery Elk Hunt – Gardiner Montana, Fall 2013


Secret Beach on the Big Island – Hawaii, Summer 2014


Hardscrabble Peak (elevation 9,500 feet) – Bozeman Montana, Summer 2014


More Archery Elk Hunting in the Gravely Range – Montana, Fall 2014


Kicking off the New Year with Friends – Lake Tahoe, January 1st 2015

Live Apatheia,

– Jordan