Powerful Event: “The Gut-Hormone Connection”


If you want to skip ahead, we hosted a 2.5-hour event on the gut-hormone connection and why hormones are THE MOST critical step toward healing your gut. Grab access here.

In the past, we’ve shared a sample of this material to a small group of people and got such incredible feedback we decided to make it into a full class.

Here are a few insights from the people that attended the sample material:

“I enjoyed hearing the actual cortisol number crunches, since I had the results of my tests in front of me… now knowing why I am so tired all the time. Just the progression of hormonal exhaustion & how it can creep up on us was so interesting.”

“The role of cortisol in relieving inflammation; the possibility that my constant hot flashes (every 40 minutes or so, for the last 20+ years) could be related to my gut health.”

“I finally learned how Jordan gained weight!! Both my husband and I were on SCD and ended up really, really skinny. I more fully grasped how hormones and gut issues are linked. I also found it interesting that you use sublingual drops for treatment, which makes a lot of sense for people who cannot digest well.”

“The adrenal connection to the cortisol levels in the body and how it affects the body. Also the antibiotic affects, because I went thru a year of battling a severe sinus infection and suffering with U. C. at the same time.”

Back when I was sick, I was massively fatigued, scary skinny and stuck eating only 8 foods. If only I had known that my hormones were the reason I was stuck, life could have been so different.

It’s so frustrating to be doing so many things right and not really get better.

If you’ve been in and out of the doctor’s office treating symptoms as much as I was… but never getting to the root cause, you know how frustrating it is.

Or if you’ve been doing everything you can with your diet, but you’re still struggling with low energy, digestive problems, and inflammation… you know how frustrating it is. I was there too.

Regular doctors don’t like to hear this, but trying to fix stomach problems by focusing only on the digestive system won’t get you very far.

This Isn’t Just About the Stomach Problems

The stomach problems might cause the sharpest pain, but let’s be honest… everyone who has stomach problems also has other nagging issues. Things like:

  • Low energy
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Blood sugar swings
  • Low libido
  • PMS problems
  • Depression or Anxiety
  • Chronic infections
  • Skin issues

The amazing thing is that these are huge red flags for hormone problems and directly related to the GI tract. These symptoms don’t seem connected to your gut health… but they are. And if you are going to get to the root cause of the GI issues once and for all your hormones need to get fixed too.

The best part is… you can work on them at the same time.

In a perfect world, you’d already be working with a knowledgeable and capable practitioner who would be creating the energy and health you want. But the reality is that right now these people are mostly hidden and/or too busy.

That’s unacceptable for us.

We Want to Share Everything We Can on The Gut-Hormone Call — Material You Can Use Today, Things Like:

  • Is Adrenal Fatigue real? And How to prove it to your doctor with tests
  • What NOT TO DO when you have adrenal fatigue (most miss this one)
  • Signs and symptoms of a slow thyroid
  • The key differences between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and what happens if you combine them with a leaky gut (hint: autoimmunity)
  • The specific thyroid tests to get from your doctor
  • Why gut problems, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues all work together to destroy energy (and what to do about it)
  • Steve’s battle and shocking discovery about sub-clinical hypothyroidism
  • Jordan’s struggle to overcome the adrenal fatigue that kept him scary skinny and exhausted

If you couldn’t attend live, we recorded the call and transcribed it for you, so you’ll have the info you need to take action as soon as possible.

Grab access to the Gut-Hormone presentation today: http://energyhelp.scdlifestyle.com/

– Jordan

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